Everything you need to know about Emerald stone

One of the most attractive gemstones in the market is the emerald. They are counted amongst the Big Three in the world of coloured gemstones, which also includes Rubies and Sapphires. Panna or emerald is the gemstone for Mercury Planet. It is extensively used in planetary gem therapy for harnessing the energy of Mercury Planet.

Most of the Vedic astrology also recommends Mercury Talisman for deriving the benefits from the placement of Mercury on your horoscope favourably. The Panna stone is a mineral compound that includes silicate of aluminium and beryllium. Panna attracts cosmic rays of green colour. The gemstone could be either light or dark green.

Generally, they are velvety green. It appears highly transparent and does not have any dark specifications, which is of the highest quality and priced high.

What is the gemstone’s role?

Now, the emerald stone relates to the Mercury planet, which is Budha. Hence, it is called Budha Ratna. If you wear the stone as a pendant or ring, it attracts positive influences and strengthens the weakly placed Budha in the horoscope. The green coloured gemstone holds tremendous significance in western astrology. In western culture, the emerald is the birthstone of people born in May.

The Indian saints and sages have described many benefits of wearing a Panna. It holds healing power and metaphysical properties. The saints believed that the Panna stone offered good health, creative skills, prosperity, wisdom, and blissful marital life.

When you buy the gemstone while doing online jewellery shopping carefully, you gain good luck and a host of benefits. Let us explore the other advantages:

  • It increases your creativity, linguistic skills, and artistic talents. So, those who want to bring about innovation can efficiently wear this stone. They are ideal for writers, PR, and other media representatives.
  • It enables intellectual progress. You understand life better and brings about a balanced perspective. It provides clarity of deeper subjects.
  • Panna is the stone of prosperity. It represents growth. When you wear a high-quality gemstone, better income opportunities come along, and there is growth in finance. Panna is also ideal for those working in finance, banking, and the share market.
  • The emerald stone is beneficial for students as it boosts intelligence. It improves their grasping power and assists them during exams. It is ideal for those preparing for competitive exams.
  • You can overcome speech and respiratory problems. It also cures nervous disorders and allergies.
  • Better your communication skills with the stone. You get lucid and deliver clearly. You can express yourself confidently.
  • It reduces mental stress and regulates blood circulation.
  • It refines the orator ship. According to astrology, Panna stone is the significator of speech, called Vani Karaka. The stone builds confidence significantly and express more openly.
  • The stone has the power to hold money. So, those who have concerns about retaining their wealth benefits greatly.
  • Those who want to overcome issues related to the eye, ear, or skin can wear the stone. It also cures insomnia, asthma, amnesia, cardiac issues, and ulcers. Any gastro problems also resolve or occur less frequently owing to the stone’s healing power.
  • The evil spirits and nightmares are nullified with this gemstone. It only promotes peace and happiness, and the wearer leads a harmonious and prosperous life.
  • The harmonious energy of Panna leads to positivity and understanding between couples. It restores warmth and affection between the two.
  • Those who are pregnant can also wear Panna stone as they undergo smooth delivery. They need not endure long hours of labour pain.
  • Panna saves you from your enemies. If you wear them as a ring or bracelet, then your enemies can never harm you in any way.
  • Those who face losses in business or were cheated benefit with the stone. The stone removes emotional toxicity. These individuals can come out of difficult situations quickly.
  • This deals efficiently with fickle-minded people. It boosts concentration power and stops the mind from wandering. The emerald relieves people from mental disturbances, anxiety, and stress.

Who can wear them?

Those who come from Taurian ascendant can buy the stone from online jewellery retailers. This is because Mercury enjoys an excellent relationship with Venus, the Lord of Taurus. The stone is also ideal for Gemini ascendant as the Mercury planet rules their sun sign. Scorpios can wear them during the Mercury significant period, but the trial of three days. For Librans, Mercury is an auspicious planet.

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