Keep Your Hair Happy and Healthy With These Summer Hair Care Tips

There are many ways you can keep your hair healthy and happy all summer long and you don’t need to resort to chemicals.

Natural hair is where it’s at and summer is the perfect time to abandon those sleek and perfect-looking hairdos. It’s the best time to embrace a more natural and loose look. 

The following summer hair care tips will protect your hair from the summer’s sun, humidity, and heat. 

Keep it Covered

When you’re out in the sun, use a hat or scarf to cover and protect your hair. It will provide additional UV protection and stop your scalp from drying out.

A hat can also reduce any damage that the wind might cause which is particularly important if tangling is a problem. It also helps to protect color-treated hair.  

Embrace Loose and Comfortable Styles

Keep your hair under control and minimize sun exposure with a messy braid. Tight styles tend to pull and tear your hair and cause damage. 

Rinse Rather Than Wash

You’re stripping your scalp of all those natural oils when you wash your hair. Washing it too often also encourages your scalp to produce more oil and tricks you into thinking you need to wash it more.

Rather than washing it frequently, rinse instead, particularly after a day at the pool or the beach. 

Use a natural homemade dry shampoo like cornstarch and it means you can go longer between washes. 

Reduce the Heat

Give your blow dryer, straighteners, and curling iron a vacation and try some heatless hairstyles this summer. 

Your hair gets enough heat exposure in the summer so try to go natural whenever you can.

Always Condition

A quick natural conditioner is a rinse of apple cider vinegar that you’ve diluted with water. If you want to smooth, moisturize, and de-frizz your locks, try shea butter or some coconut oil. 

Ditch the Swimmers Hair

Apple cider vinegar comes to the rescue again to rid you of those blond locks that take on a hint of green after a dip in the pool. 

Make a rinse of 2 cups water and 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar to reduce dullness and discoloration. 

Use Sunscreen

There is a wide selection of shampoos that contain UV protection, however, they tend to be conventional shampoos that are heavily laden with chemicals. A better option is to run your hands through your hair after you’ve applied sunscreen to your body. 

There’s no reason to hide away during the summer because you’re worried about what it does to your hair. With these tips, you can enjoy the summer more and have healthy, shiny, and gorgeous-looking hair.

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